Healing Inner Conflict (HIC) 

Developed over the last decade in particular, HIC is a very user friendly modality and offers an understanding of disturbing behaviours as ‘healing trying to happen’. It enables clients to begin to fully understand the reasons behind why they behave in ways they regret and offers them the opportunity to change.

HIC uses a set of eight A4 floor cards that act as a simple guide to follow signals of disturbance to the exact place where internalized trauma and protective mechanisms play themselves out in the present moment, that the client would describe as inner conflict or disturbance. Experiential work offers the client a tangible experience of wellbeing based on the ability to bring effective adult strategies to where it’s required internally and externally. This can be achieved in a matter of hours depending on the individual.

 HIC owes much of its simplicity to Dr Richard Schwartz’s ‘Internal Family Systems’, Dr Arnold Mindell’s ‘Process Oriented Psychology and Dr John Briere’s ‘Self Trauma Model’.


What IS inner conflict?


What are ‘Parts’?